December was all about great plans but for one reason or another most of them fell through. Doing things, getting out of my house, seeing people this is what I wanted to do this month. It is very easy to sit around and not do much when you aren't working, I have many tour director friends that can back me up on this.
I had big plans to go to LA to visit KH, who had just moved out to the west coast and was moving into her own place. We were both excited about it, we hadn't been able to hangout since the beginning of July. The weather was worrying me a bit but I figured I would be fine with my trusty Subaru. First however, I had to run up to my sister's to drop some new clothes for the baby and spend some time with them before I was gone for a 2 weeks. As I drove up there, it started snowing, but usually it doesn't last very long and rarely do they get much snow in December. The next morning we woke up to over a foot of snow and still falling. It was going to be very difficult to get out of there and once on the road the conditions were going to be awful. So I postponed the trip until February, I later discovered that the Grapevine was closed due to snow. Good decision.
The following week, Carrie, the girls and I were supposed to travel to Reno to visit our aunt and uncle for a few days. Unfortunately, again, the weather was threatening and it was decided that to keep certain men in our family from worrying themselves sick, we postponed this trip also. This time the weather would not have been and issue but it turned out that my family in Reno had a medical situation that would have made our stay inconvenient.
Finally, this last weekend was supposed to be full of festivities and I ended up with a cold. Saturday was our Davis/Folsom family dinner, which had been on the calender for months but instead of risking infecting the kids and the future mom, I decided to stay home and get myself healthy before Christmas. The following day was the twins birthday, which I missed last year while in Zurich, however, since the house would be full of kids, I again decided the best gift I could give them would be keeping my germs to myself.
I did do many great things this month; my first Sharks game with Michelle, playing in the snow with my nieces, reliving some of the good times of Zurich with the Watson's, cutting down my first Christmas tree with MW, the fantastic Christmas party at the DePaoli's, and getting my running endurance up to 28 minutes, among other events. January is all about Thailand, that better not get disrupted.
Thanks for reading.
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