Funny thing happens to a person when they don't have insurance, they start looking around to alternatives to conventional medical practices. After not having any medical issues to speak of for a very long time, letting all that wonderful insurance that I had paid for go to waste, I find myself with a couple of problems that need to be looked at. Sometime after I got back from Alaska my legs started itching, incessantly, and my shoulder started to ache. I tried everything I could think of to get the leg thing to stop, it didn't. I already had the problem of being allergic to a key ingredient in most lotions, so the itching was not easily cured. As for the shoulder, was worried that it might be a rotator cuff problem, since my dear friend had recently had surgery, I was aware of the symptoms. The pain usually flared up after I spend time with my nieces, lifting, carrying and playing with them. So, time to do something about it. My sister has a Chiropractor/Homeopath that she goes to and since the shoulder was worrying me the most, she was the one to see. She asked a few questions about the shoulder and then we moved on to the other ailments. She immediately put it all together and diagnosed a system wide yeast infection. It all falls into place, everything is connected. Over the years this has been building in my system over the years and the best way to get rid of it is to starve it out. That means no sugar, nothing that turns to sugar and nothing with yeast in it. I know what you are thinking...that doesn't leave much. You are absolutely right. Oh yeah, did I mention that also includes no alcohol. Therefore for the next 3 months I am on this restricted diet, hoping that I will stop itching and aching at the end of it but if nothing else I will lose those 10-15 pounds I have been trying to get rid of. Wish me luck and unless you are up to a challenge, don't invite me to dinner.
Thanks for reading.
What!? That's crazy! Meat and coffee for you. Maybe you should take up smoking so you could have the French breakfast of coffee and cigs. Just a suggestion.
I should add that I really do feel for you and I wish you the best of luck.
I'm inspired! I have already given up alcohol (He, He, He) but I really should give up processed sugar as well (as I sit here eating peanut M&M's). Good luck.
Russ says, "mmmm, salad."
Hope this all resolves quickly and you feel better soon!
Good Luck!!!!!!!
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