Sunday Scribblings: Passion
Everyone knows my true passion - cycling, wait no, traveling, but what about France, no, no, my nieces and nephews. I guess I don't even know my true passion, I just know that these four facets have become the ruling points around which my life revolves. I have a new life due to two of the above, my passion for traveling and France "forced" me to make that life decision to quit a steady, good job and put my neck out there. I just couldn't see myself sitting in an office without windows when I could possibly be using the world as my office. Now that I am traveling for work, the next huge goal will be to live in France for some amount of time. (Don't worry you will be hearing more about my new list of goals as the days go on) The cycling seems to be a weird thing for me to list in this post, I am not a die-hard, everyday, all weather rider. I am pretty fair weather, no rain or strong winds please, that is unless it is unavoidable while working. Now we get to one of the two reasons it is a passion; I love cycling so much that I managed to ride for a job and it is my favorite "work." The other reason is that on a good day, (today wasn't one) I feel free and so does my mind. I usually come back more settled then I left with any large questions much closer to being answered. Last but certainly not least on this list are the kids in my life. Not to say that I don't love the rest of my family and friends but the children make me truly happy, watching them grow, learn and change. They are the family that I won't have on my own and though I miss them when I am gone they are a great welcome once I return. I consider myself very lucky to not be able to name my true passion.
Thanks for reading.
Sounds like a good deal you have there :)
Love reading and hearing about the exciting new thoughts you are having!
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