I have returned unscathed from the events surrounding the inauguration of Barack Obama. I left for D.C. two short days after returning from adventures in Europe, hey, at least jet lag wasn't a problem. Fortunately, I had a flight in Reagan National, so much better then flying into Baltimore, Dulles or even Harrisburg, PA, which showed up as an option when I was shopping for my flight.
We started of with a meeting, which was a great chance to be reunited with many of my friends and discuss the impending chaos. I was very impressed with how the company I worked for thoroughly planned for such an unusual event; we had almost 150 tour directors, close to 6000 students from junior high and high school. I also think that the District of Columbia did a great job of preparing for the deluge of people, including bringing in every port-a-potty on the eastern sea board. I had a day to prepare myself a bit more since my group didn't arrive late on the next day. I hit a couple of places that I

needed some refreshment on and visit with and got some tips from a friend who had been through the 2005 inauguration. From the time my group arrived until the moment they left, life was a whirlwind. The opening concert at the Lincoln Memorial, which was a giant hit with the people but closed off the most direct route into D.C. causing my group to be late and arrive on the wrong side of the mall. After tracking them down with the help of my local guide, we did a walking/running tour starting outside the Air & Space museum, on to the Washington Monument, WWII Memorial, FDR and Jefferson Monuments. This covered close to 3 miles in 2 hours, in the cold and dark but it was the best thing to do with a busload of teenagers that had been cooped up for 9 hours traveling. The following day after commuting in from mid Maryland, we went to Mt Vernon, where we braved the crowds to visit a bit of George Washington's history. They loved the view of frozen Chesapeake Bay from the back of the home and seeing the farm buildings. In the afternoon, we visited the reopened American History Museum, which was a big hit, especially with the history teachers. Then

we crossed the river to Arlington Cemetery for a tour and to see the changing of the guard. However, there were so many other students surrounding the sight, that we were unable to see anything. The finale of this long day was probably the highlight for most of the students, we took them to their own Inaugural Ball. The company set up parties, with dinner, dance floor and music for all of the groups. We stopped just short of the party so that they could change into party clothes, many of the girls brought gowns and even the guys got dressed up. They had a fantastic time. We called it a night and got them back to the hotel to get ready for our early start for the inauguration.
The big day started off with no traffic until we exited into the city. The in bound highways were closed to everybody but taxis and licenced limos and buses. In theory the buses were as

signed a parking area and time slot to arrive in, however, that did not pan out for everyone. We arrived in the area but were sent in circles for a bit, so we decided to disembark from where we were and start the long trek to the mall. The distance wasn't far but the crowds were incredible and as we made our way in we were directed farther and farther away from the Capitol. Finally, after an hour of walking we made it onto the mall near the Washington Monument. We found a good spot on the rise at the Monument with some decent landmarks in case anyone needed to leave the group for any reason. We had 2.5 hours in sub-freezing weather to wait until the beginning of the event; at least is was sunny. The kids were creative in entertaining themselves and keeping warm and didn't get too
antsy. Finally, the event they were there for began. I won't go into details, since most of you saw it but I will say that it was pretty thrilling seeing such a momentous event in person, albeit from 1.5 miles away. After it was over we waited a bit for to let the crowds get moving, then headed for warmth and food. It took us 45 mins to make it to the Air & Space Museum, w

hich was designated as a warm zone; meaning that they were letting everyone. I heard that some people took 2 hours to get that far, in horrific crushing crowds, our path was easier. The students had 3 hours in the museum and then we took them to the mall. Yes, the mall, we were supposed to go to the ESPN Zone so they could play video games until we left for dinner, however, the plans changed once the parade ran late and we couldn't cross Pennsylvania Ave. The alternative and a highly successful one, was to let them loose on the mall for an hour or so until dinner.
The final day began with sleeping in, then a trip back into D.C. to visit one last important sight, the new Capitol Visitor center. The center is full of wonderful information and history about the Capitol and allows people that have appoi

ntments to tour the Capitol to wait indoors instead of outside in the heat or cold. From there you can take the underground passage to the Library of Congress to see the amazing design and decoration, the gorgeous reading room and the best part, the original Thomas Jefferson books. The Library is definitely something everyone should see. After the time there we headed over to the ESPN Zone for some food and games before the group got back on the road for home.
I had a great time with the group and showing them Washington D.C, along with helping them witness the historical event. The mania surrounding Obama becoming president was completely unreal and somewhat disturbing. I have never seen so many items labelled with a persons name or logo, definitely capitalism at is strongest, though I wouldn't say best. I hope that the future stands up to the expectations.
Thanks for reading.
I'm glad you survived! It was so great to see you, although I wish we could've talked longer. And thanks for the car service number! I'll have to fill you in on that bit of chaos ... not the car service, but HQ
I loved reading your first-hand account of the inauguration and how wonderful to have made it possible for so many young people! Thanks for following my blog.
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