Saturday, October 18, 2008

Staying for Free

What do you do when you are trying to save money and travel the world? Well if you are brave and friendly, try This site connects people that are willing to let you come into their homes to spend the night with people that have the need for an inexpensive place to stay. Of course there is a certain amount of faith and trust involved but what better way to get to know people around the world. I am currently sitting in a young ladies home in Washington D.C., using her internet and getting ready to go to sleep on a very comfortable air mattress. We prearranged a meeting time at the Metro stop near her home and then dropped my gear off in her studio apartment. She invited me to join her and some friends for dinner, so we hopped back on the Metro and out to VA for dinner. Her friends were as nice as she was and very interesting to spend the evening with. It has been a great experience and I look forward to hosting my first guest next month. A little trust never hurts.

Thanks for reading.


space-monkey said...

Very cool! Your sense of adventure is awesome, E.

Elaine said...

very interesting ...

Unknown said...

You are so so excited for you...

Adam said...

Couchsurfing is a non-profit outfit seeking to unite world travelers with a couch under the skin espousing similar messages of unity. The beating hearts of are member profiles.The website of Couchsurfing promote meeting face to face, making experiences together, or helping one another.


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