Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's Been a Long Time

I haven't disappeared, I haven't taken a job in deepest, darkest Africa (yet) and I haven't given up writing this blog. It's been an entire month without writing, the first two weeks was because I had very little to say, the last two, well that was mostly the phone company. I have been very busy with tours in Napa Valley and 4th graders in Sacramento but none of it was all that exciting. Then the modem died, one person at AT&T told me they were sending me a new one but that wasn't true and then it took me a week to get to the store to get my own. Now I am back, still not sure I have much to say but here is run down:
  • Picnic Day was actually beautiful for once, the band sounded great and the twins got there first exposure.
  • DI had his fourth birthday and I finally got to spend some time with the Bay Area gang.
  • It was recently CEA's first birthday, a small affair but fun to see the kids playing together and the adults enjoying their time.
  • I have been working consistently from the beginning of March until now, for both the Napa and student tour jobs. Now I am tapering off so that I can enjoy my time with friends and family before I leave for Alaska on May 30th.
  • Lead a 2 day bike tour in Napa, the 8 guys spent $120K on wine before shipping.
  • Spent lots of time with my nieces.
Those are the highlights of the month. Believe me, I did a lot more then that but one day blends into another and now it is May. I will try to write more this month as I prepare for my 3 1/2 month stint in Alaska.

Thanks for reading.


Patrice said...

Hi! I have been waiting for you to write again so I could comment. Sounds like you had a nice/busy month (except for the modem thing). Hope all is well!

Elaine said...

Do you get a commission on that wine?! Wow!