Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sunday Scribblings: The Experiment

March 27th will mark the one year anniversary of the commencement of my experiment, that day I stepped away from corporate stability and dived head first into the unknown. A year later, I look back knowing that this was absolutely the right thing to do. Most of us leave college looking for the job that everyone expects them to want; 8-5, hour lunch, 401K, health insurance, set vacation. I found my spot in that world after a short break, it had nothing to do with my history and geography degrees but it was stable and fun compared to other similar options. Twelve years later, after some advancement, a healthy 401K and topping out at 4 weeks vacation, I knew that it was no longer for me. How could I see the world in only 4 weeks a year? Beer is fun but being free is better. I knew what I was leaving behind, I was reminded by many, but I knew that I was no longer the person that started that job in 1995 and it was time to find out who I am now. So I gave myself two years to find out if I can do this, can I live on significantly less money, can I maintain everything that I have grown to cherish and yet spend so much time away from it, can I find enough work? So far, the experiment is a success. I am extremely happy, I made it through my first off-season and still have money in my account and those that I love so much continue to count me as part of the family. The verdict is still out on the enough work. Other then the obvious happiness, it all takes adjustment. A roommate, less eating out, less conspicuous consumption, more e-mailing, hoping that people are reading this blog, quality time over quantity. I am always on the search for new gigs and ways of improving my resume, but now it is fun; learning French, reading, traveling. Instead of a 10x12 office with gray walls without windows and dreading the predictability of each month, the world is now my work space and I don't even know what tomorrow will bring but I look forward to finding out.

Thanks for reading.


Dance to the Beat of your Angel's Wings said...

I love reading and hearing about your life. I know that mine took a very big turn in January..haven't quite figured out where I am suppose to be but it gives me hope to hear about your adventures!! Lots of love to you!

Anonymous said...

Hey girly! Correction... it was March 26th that will be your 1 year. Believe me, I remember, I'm still in your grey 10x12. Hope you're well and looking forward to Alaska!!! ;)