I am exhausted tonight. After not working for 4 months, I just finished leading tours in Napa the last 7 of 8 days. Not only was it an adjustment for my body to be on the go all day but I also spend two hours in the car everyday. I still love that job, especially when the weather performs like it today. I am happy to have a break for a few days, though I will be using that time to refresh my California history details.
The reward for all that hard work was getting to hang out with my MIA roommate. We were going to go to the movies but decided to stay in and rent, then we debated picking up Thai food but decided it was actually less effort to cook at home. Strange, I know. So I picked up a couple of movies, the one we made it through tonight is called
V is for Vendetta. At the rental store, there was a note saying it was one of the best movies of the year it was released and starred Natalie Portman. Though I knew very little about it, it sounded promising. It was not all what I expected. I am not saying it was bad, quite the contrary I really enjoyed it but it was odd. It had me wondering right from the credits where is mention Marvel Comics. I don't want to give anything away but let me just say that I never could have imagined a superhero based on Guy Fawkes trying to save London from a Hitler-esque leader. Oh yeah, don't ask KB about it, she slept through it. Now we are both in bed by 10:00 pm on a Saturday, and I don't regret it for an instant.
Happy Day Light Savings.
Thanks for Reading.