Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sunday Scribblings - Out of this World

I have a secret...I am a huge fan of Science Fiction. Currently, I am stuck on Doctor Who, a British show about a time traveler and his human, female companion/assistant. And I am on the verge of watching the spin-off series called Torchwood. Starting with super heroes and Star Wars and I have also watched all of the Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis episodes at least once. I have enjoyed many a Star Trek episode and have read Michael Crichton's books and the Wheel of Time series. I love seeing what writers conjure in their minds as a vision for what might be out among the stars, maybe because it is so close to reality and yet whimsical enough to take us away from our day to day problems.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Another Milestone (+ one week)

So I had myself convinced that my last day at my old job was on March 27, 2007, however, looking back at one of my first posts I realize I was a week off. This should have been posted a week ago.

A year ago today I was recovering from a pretty good hangover. The night before was the big party to celebrate my leap into my new life and away from all of the wonderful people drinking with me that night. I am sad to say that I haven't seen many of my friends from my old job, I even stopped by the old hang out tonight to see if some of them were around but alas they were not. I thought for sure that I would stay close with a few of them and except for my roommate, I rarely see them, the last time was for said roommate's going away party. Now I think about the old gang from time to time and wonder how they are surviving the world that I escaped. I love my new life and can't believe how well I have adapted to it but I realize that I haven't been the great friend that I wanted to be to those I left behind. I should promise to correct my failing but I know myself and that probably won't happen. Right now it is hard enough to keep in contact with both of my families.

So now that I have corrected my assumption about the date, I send out a Happy Anniversary to those that March 27th really belongs to, CF and MW.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sunday Scribblings: I Just Don't Get It

The first thing that flows through my mind is very personal in nature but I am not prepared to share that kind of thought with the unknown. Most of my close friends can probably guess what I refer to, so I will leave it at that.

Currently, what I just don't get has to do with my previous post. Why do parents go on a field trip with their kids and think that it is all about them? Yes, they paid the money but isn't the point for the kids to learn and experience in the best manner for them. When was the last time you saw a ten year old enjoy sitting at dinner for over an hour? If you want a leisurely dinner with friends do it at home. I see traveling with your child as the opportunity to see them bloom, not hang out in the back gossiping with other parents about those that aren't there. Don't they get that if they are sitting in the back of the bus talking, it is very difficult for me to concentrate on what I am telling and the kids begin to think that it is okay to talk too. I know that most parents are supportive of their kids and don't behave like this but it just takes a few.

I am sure that writing about the other topic would be much more interesting but I am not sure I am prepared to write about being 36 and perpetually single. :)

Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I Love my Job, I Love my Job, I Love my Job

It finally happened, I actually had to chant this to myself to get through a job. It was my first student tour of the season, so I will admit to being a bit rusty though I had spent quite a bit of time reacquainting myself with the history and stories that I would be retelling. However, I was ready. Sometimes, though, the one thing you can't be prepared for is the people. Warning signs that I should have seen: they were from the Newport Beach area, there were equal number students to adults, including 3 teachers and it was a private school. From the beginning the parents told me how wonderful and smart the students were. Looking back it is shocking that they were so good considering how appalling their parents behavior. The parents mistook this trip for their kids as a vacation for themselves, here is a list of their atrocious attitudes:
  1. They did not understand, no matter how often I said it, that we had a schedule to keep. Hence we were always running late to our next appointment and I had to cut short our visits. They were too busy talking to each other.
  2. The parents wanted to leave the students with the teachers and myself and go to Morton's for dinner.
  3. After being told they couldn't go to Morton's, I was yelled at from the back of the bus for not giving them time to have a leisurely dinner, which they deserved since I rushed them all day. Ahem, see #1.
  4. Then at dinner the parents all sat together away from their kids and split 4 bottles of wine.
  5. They spent much of the time on the bus bitching about me.
  6. When one of the students didn't follow the instructions for an Indian bead activity and used twice the number of beads, the leader asked her to return them but he father interjected asking, "Why can't she have what she wants?"
  7. With an hour plus ride to the airport I put on some music relating to the Gold Rush, it had barely started and the ring leader parent told me to turn it off, the kids didn't want to listen to it and put on something they would like.
I could go on but I am trying to put this episode behind me. In the end, the only thing I need to worry about is whether the teacher was happy and did the kids have a good time and learn something. The answer to both of those was yes. I also learned a lot from the two days. Fortunately for me, I started another two day tour the next day with a great group of parents and students. The trials for that trip were physical and not mental...camping in 30 degree weather but everyone survived and had a good time in the end.

Each group is very different and that is a great part of the job. The season will be a good one, I am very comfortable with the material and logistics so I can focus more on getting the students excited about seeing history first hand.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sunday Scribblings: The Experiment

March 27th will mark the one year anniversary of the commencement of my experiment, that day I stepped away from corporate stability and dived head first into the unknown. A year later, I look back knowing that this was absolutely the right thing to do. Most of us leave college looking for the job that everyone expects them to want; 8-5, hour lunch, 401K, health insurance, set vacation. I found my spot in that world after a short break, it had nothing to do with my history and geography degrees but it was stable and fun compared to other similar options. Twelve years later, after some advancement, a healthy 401K and topping out at 4 weeks vacation, I knew that it was no longer for me. How could I see the world in only 4 weeks a year? Beer is fun but being free is better. I knew what I was leaving behind, I was reminded by many, but I knew that I was no longer the person that started that job in 1995 and it was time to find out who I am now. So I gave myself two years to find out if I can do this, can I live on significantly less money, can I maintain everything that I have grown to cherish and yet spend so much time away from it, can I find enough work? So far, the experiment is a success. I am extremely happy, I made it through my first off-season and still have money in my account and those that I love so much continue to count me as part of the family. The verdict is still out on the enough work. Other then the obvious happiness, it all takes adjustment. A roommate, less eating out, less conspicuous consumption, more e-mailing, hoping that people are reading this blog, quality time over quantity. I am always on the search for new gigs and ways of improving my resume, but now it is fun; learning French, reading, traveling. Instead of a 10x12 office with gray walls without windows and dreading the predictability of each month, the world is now my work space and I don't even know what tomorrow will bring but I look forward to finding out.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Movie Night

I am exhausted tonight. After not working for 4 months, I just finished leading tours in Napa the last 7 of 8 days. Not only was it an adjustment for my body to be on the go all day but I also spend two hours in the car everyday. I still love that job, especially when the weather performs like it today. I am happy to have a break for a few days, though I will be using that time to refresh my California history details.

The reward for all that hard work was getting to hang out with my MIA roommate. We were going to go to the movies but decided to stay in and rent, then we debated picking up Thai food but decided it was actually less effort to cook at home. Strange, I know. So I picked up a couple of movies, the one we made it through tonight is called V is for Vendetta. At the rental store, there was a note saying it was one of the best movies of the year it was released and starred Natalie Portman. Though I knew very little about it, it sounded promising. It was not all what I expected. I am not saying it was bad, quite the contrary I really enjoyed it but it was odd. It had me wondering right from the credits where is mention Marvel Comics. I don't want to give anything away but let me just say that I never could have imagined a superhero based on Guy Fawkes trying to save London from a Hitler-esque leader. Oh yeah, don't ask KB about it, she slept through it. Now we are both in bed by 10:00 pm on a Saturday, and I don't regret it for an instant.

Happy Day Light Savings.

Thanks for Reading.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Kids and Nature and the Nature of Kids.

I haven't posted any pictures lately so I thought since I don't have anything to write, I will say it with pictures.

This first set of photos is my attempt to get a good picture of CEA. The problem is that she never sits still, so instead, I went with it.

Every time I go up to my sister's house to visit, we try to take the girls out for a walk if the weather is good. CMA especially enjoys seeing all of the wild animals while outside enjoying the sun. Here they are ready to go.

The other evening while driving home from a meeting I was mesmerized by the sunset. Fortunately, I got home in time to take a picture from my backyard.
One of my goals for this year is to improve my photography skills. I think it will benefit my career and provide me with that something artistic in my life that I currently feel I am missing. I took these pictures the last couple of days while working. Enjoy spring in Napa Valley.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Working Girl

I was beginning to wonder how this spring was going to go since my days hadn't been filling in yet but since March started things are looking up. I am working 6 of the first 7 days of the month in Napa, fortunately the weather has been cooperating. Then, I was contacted by a company that takes high school students on tours of colleges and may have a 3 day gig with them in late March. This job isn't set in stone yet but if it works out I hope there will be more to follow. Finally, both of the student tour companies that I work for are adding days to my schedule slowly. The only people I haven't heard from are the DMC in San Francisco, but I knew that would be sporadic. As for the summer, I mailed my paperwork off to Holland America today, so I will be spending 3 and a half months back in amazing Alaska. Now that I am finally making that commitment, what are the odds that some other company that I applied with will finally get back to me? Oh well, next year.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sunday Scribblings: Time Machine

The smell of burning wood,
the sound of dry oak leaves blowing in a hot afternoon wind,
the feel of dust settling on sun tinged skin,
the sight of a salamander scrambling to hide under a submerged rock,
and the taste of vegetables just picked.
I am ten years old and by my grandmother's side again.

Thanks for reading.