Last weekend, I did my first work for the DMC in San Francisco and it was terrible. Let me explain. I showed up Saturday morning at 7:30 to meet my boss for the job, the other TG and our contact with the company running the show for Chrysler. My boss was very nice and the other TG had quite a bit of experience in the tour industry, so is a great contact to have. Our contact with Chrysler was running late and he arrive just before the convention opened. He gave us our credentials and took us down to the exhibit floor and showed us our stations. Our job was to man the information booths on the two main corners of the Chrysler area, answering questions for the convention goers and making sure the water coolers were filled. Now we come to the issues with the job. They didn't give us any information, we knew less then the convention goers, a lot less. The people were asking questions about who was in attendance and where they could find out about X but we didn't know how X connected to Y, the titles of each area. So we sat there for almost 8 hours acting like we knew what we were talking about, those few times we were asked. As for the water, our contact never explained anything about it. At 4:30, after a very long day we left, dreading our return in the morning. The next morning we were taken away from our exciting posts over to the franchise meeting so we could help seat the attendees. We arrived 1 1/2 hours before the meeting started, so we got our assignments and then waited for people to show up. We seated everyone, then escorted late comers to open seats after the meeting started, a half hour later I was relieved and went off to lunch. When I returned, I got ready for my exciting afternoon but then my phone rang. It was my boss, she said that we were done for the day and didn't need to come back. Yep, everyone realized that it was a ridiculous assignment and did the right thing. The best news was the we were going to get paid for all of the days that we had been hired for. Nothing like getting paid to not work. Unfortunately, assignments like this are not uncommon, though my co-TG said that this was probably the worst job she had been on. As I get more experience with this company I can get choosier about what jobs I accept. The upside other then getting paid for not working was getting the chance to use my new found time in the Bay Area to explore San Francisco more in preparation for the much more exciting jobs to come.
As for the extreme diet, I am just now seeing some results. I didn't have a hard time giving up the carbs and the sugar the hard part is trying to find something to eat at a restaurant or trying to not be a nuisance when eating at someone else's house. My new best food friends are hummus and tzatziki, they really make all the raw veggies much more interesting. As for the health results, I think the itching is starting to abate, my sister thinks the dark circles under my eyes have lessened and my acne is starting to clear up. I have also lost a few pounds, not as much as I thought I would at this point but I still have 2 1/2 months left.
Thanks for reading.