I spent the night at my nieces house (okay, it is actually my sister and brother-in-law's house, but really, who do you think I am there to visit) the other night and feel compelled to talk about the brilliance of CM (2+ yr old) a bit more. First off let me say I love the fact that she loves her Auntie so much and I am glad I get to spend all of this time with them since I disappear off to Alaska, Europe or some other place so often. While I was in Alaska, CM could find Alaska on a small globe I gave her right before I left. That is genius if you ask me. Anyway, lately while I have been at their house I have been able to use my computer, so it is out quite often. CM is fascinated by it and wants to look and play with it whenever she can. On my iGoogle home page, I have a live web cam of my favorite building in the world so I can watch the sunrise on it, the twinkling lights at night or just glimpse at it to think about being in Paris again. The first thing CM points to is the picture of my building and asks what it is. Right about then it starts twinkling and she oohs and aahs, that is the way to Auntie's heart. Then she says, in the most adorable voice, "more Eiffel Tower?" What else can I do but acquiesce. I go through the photos from the latest trip and every time she sees me she says "Auntie" and each time the Eiffel Tower is shown, she says "Eiffel Tower." I believe if I keep this up she may be as attached to France as I am. (Rubs hands together with and evil smile) Next step...teach her French.
Thanks for reading.
Very funny, :) I would love it if you taught her French.
These kind of entries are wonderful too. It is so great that you have such a terrific relationship with your family (ok your nieces :-}) You will have a wonderful time sharing with them your love of travel. They are lucky to have such an Auntie.
And any story about your travels is great to read, I often can feel the places when I am reading.
Sis, I plan on doing my best. I should probably work on mine a bit first.
Christina, I plan on getting better at telling stories. It might be a while though, unless you want to hear all about Ukiah.
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