Sorry to leave everyone hanging. I will go back and talk more about the trip but I am going to talk about the recent past first. We all made it back to California safe and on time Saturday. We got up at 5 am Barcelona time, though I hadn't slept since about 2:30 am, finished packing and eating what was left then easily caught a cab at 7 am to the airport. All of our flights were smooth and on time. We did have to go through security a million times it seemed. In Amsterdam, you go through serious security and then are held in a waiting room attached to the gate. Of course they confiscated the water we had just bought and then once on the other side there is nothing to replace it with. The least they could do is have a vending machine. Once in Minneapolis, you have to go through customs and security again. We had good hamburgers near our gate and waited for the lasts flight. It was nice to have some red meat, I didn't have much of that in Europe, mostly fish and lots of jamon. Mom and I got back late that night, unfortunately the sleep that I wanted to engulf me was non existent. The next day we caught up on GA and had Dos Coyotes for lunch, 2 of my favorite things. Sunday afternoon we headed to Foresthill to visit the Armstrong's. Claire was very happy to see me after the initial shyness that she always has and Catherine is as pretty as ever. We spent the evening playing with the kids and had a nice home cooked meal. Monday, after not sleeping again, I was up at 5:30 am and hung out with my sister, then the kids and mom woke up and we had a relaxing morning. I gave Claire a bath then we dressed them in the beautiful Parisian dresses that we found in the Marais. We took some photos, I got to eat some leftover turkey and play with the munchkins a while more. Then my sister and I left Claire with grandma and we took Catherine to Costco. I spent more then I intended but then who doesn't at Costco, then came on home. I will actually be at home for about a week and a half before I am on the road again. At least that is the plan as of now. I promise to do some wrap up of the big Europe adventure and will continue to bore you all on the rest of my life.
Thanks for reading.
I love reading :D
Also...love the picture of all the Chase/Armstrong girls!
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