It is almost the end. You know how I know, I saw snow falling on the top of the Kenai Mountains. Around here they call it termination dust signaling the end of the summer. Many at Holland America called it that since it is the end of our contracts. The other sign is that most of the tour directors have flown south for the winter and there are a sparse few us left. My time up here has been amazing and I wouldn't change it for everything but the time has come to return home. I still love the guests and the traveling, even to places I have been to 12 times or more. However, my hermit side is getting the best of me. I miss the time when I can get away from all people. Every night when I am done with my guests, I return to a busy apartment, a hotel room with a roommate or the sourdoughs where everyone is in everyone's business. So to combat that problem, before returning to the loving harms of my friends, I am taking off for two solitary days on the Kenai Peninsula. They call the Kenai Pen. the place Alaskans go for vacation, so I am going to check it out and actually be on vacation. I plan on giving a full report when I return.
As for the future, October is filling up with reacquainting myself with small children that may have forgotten my name, meeting a new addition to the extended family, biking, oops, I mean working in Napa and last but not least, finishing the plans for the big trip in November. Stay tuned, I don't anticipate my new life becoming dull anytime soon.
Thanks for reading.
Random pictures to enjoy:
Pic. 1 - Kenai Mountains with termination dust.
Pic. 2 - Top of Denali Peak.
Pic. 3 - Chena River in Fairbanks.
Pic. 4 - "First Family" statue in Fairbanks.
Pic. 5 - Mileage marker, yes Paris is only 1000 miles farther from Fairbanks the SF.
Pic. 6 - Two black bears up in the same tree.
Pic. 7 - The Nenana River just outside of Denali National Park in September.
Pic. 8 - The Volendam cruise ship at the Seward dock.
Pic. 9 - A Stellar sea lion posing for a photo.
Pic. 10 - Aialik Glacier from 3 miles away.
Pic. 11 - Three hole rock in the Kenai Fjords National Park.
The pictures are gorgeous!! I am sure you are sad to go....if you start to miss it, we can wallpaper the house in Alaska pictures and I can become a busy, noisy roommate! :-)
I am glad you enjoyed yourself so much but I am sure that your nieces miss you :-)
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